Please contact Jamie Shear, scribe, artist, directly with any questions
or inquiries that you might have.
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Please contact Jamie Shear, scribe, artist, directly with any questions
or inquiries that you might have.
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Please contact Jamie Shear, scribe, artist, directly with any questions
or inquiries that you might have.
Lea's Torah
by Joan Ress Reeves
What an experience tonight! I was moved beyond words. It was a privilege to watch Jamie--a beautifully religious and still of-this-world person--perform a craft that is, at the same time, a religious devotion--finish a Torah, something I'd never expected to see.
Lea was a force in the lives of my three daughters--and in mine. To be part of her Torah takes my breath away. How lovely that each of us there tonight was asked to watch Jamie write, as if we were writing, a final word of Lea's Torah. My word was "sign," as in "signs and wonders," which Moses performed--and I'll ponder that, I think, for the rest of my life.
Thank you, and thank you to Mark, for including me in this extraordinary experience.
Shanah Tovah!
Joan Ress Reeves